Chemical Management

At TAF, we comply with REACH requirements for all aspects of handling chemicals. We also have in place Integrated management system which ensures complete monitoring, review and improvement in our chemical management. Our employees who handle chemicals are made aware of hazards. Through our vigilant and robust chemical management system there were no chemical spills during the reporting period. Our site is also in compliance with SA 8000 standard to develop, maintain, and apply socially acceptable practices in the workplace.

Since, chemicals have direct impact on environment. Every year we are making conscious effort to reduce our discharge
of chemicals through monitoring and auditing.

Mr. Satyaki Ghosh Chief Executive Officer

With fibres like Radianza and Birlacril enjoying a favourable market share, we are motivated to diversify the colour shades in an environment-friendly manner. Our new gel-based technologies and reduced use of chemicals in the operations garnered wide appreciation amongst the industry groups. Many co-creation projects are underway, of which I would particularly like to highlight environment-friendly dye developments, that are set to enhance our business value proposition

Our Radianza fibre has addressed a pertinent concern of the dyeing of textile fibres and yarns owing to the issues of pollution and environmental impact by these processes. Radianza fibres are made by a technology, where the dyes are added to the fibre in the gel stage. The environmental impact of this product is much less compared to a standard yarn dyeing process. Use of Radianza fibre leads to about 20% less water requirement. Additionally, there is no extra requirement for energy and there is negligible loss of dye stuff to the environment. This makes this a Green fibre – a fiber for the future.